Send them in! Your questions will be forwarded to David through Narada. Narada has pledged to get as many answered as possible, especially the `most asked' ones. Comments in bold italics are from Narada. Comments in just bold are mine (I don't know how good they are at replying to email). Thanks for your interest in David's music! Also check out the latest Narada announcements.
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 17:44:06 -0600 From: "Jacob.R.Cooper-1" runner@ou.edu David, Come to Tulsa. Ilisten to all of your music and it's great. I heard you last time you came to Tulsa about six years ago. Come again please!!!!! Jacob Cooper Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 13:20:43 -0800 From: Mike Taylor miketaylo@sisna.com
Dear David, Personally, I don't think that your music is inspirational, or anything majorly dramatic. But that's not an insult; your music is very good, and I do think you are very talented. About two and a half years ago, I started to teach myself to play the piano. I knew very few basics. I started to find every note by beginning with middle C. For some reason, I began to crave playing it. I would play anything I could get my hands on. Even if was too hard. My theory is that any peice can be mastered by anyone, at any level, just as long as they have the desire. I would practice any chance I got. I could never get enough, it drove me crazy. One day at school, a really advanced piano player was playing some of your music. It sounded good. It triggered something inside of me...to this day, I still can't figure it out. But soemhow, I was addicted. I would sluff calsses just to listen to him play that music. I couldn't get enough of it. Eventually, with the little piano background I had, I slowly began to check it out. It started with your Christmas Eve music. Once I figured out the tune, I got so excited. (Of course I had to keep it to myself. I was really self-consious about my playing.) After my fiest experience, I craved the music so bad, I almost stole money from my parents just to get the music. Wen I finally got a book of your music, I started to play your music. It felt weird to play a tune, that I hadn't heard beforehand. My skills increased amazingly quick. In just a week, I had doubled my skills. The piano became my best friend. All of a sudden, I could play, just about anything I wanted to. But just playing your music didn't teach me enough. I had to know more. So I read your "Preface." When you said that your "...approach to music is a bit like talking to a friend," I could totally relate. I thought I was the only one in the world that felt like that. I'm almost 18, and after 3 months of daily playing, I still crave your music. The want to feel as you do when you play, gave me enough courage to get piano lessons. I still have never heard your songs played by you, but I hope to in the mere future. I could not imagine anything more breathtaking, then to hear how you interpret your music
If you have any helpful hints for me, I would love to have them! From: "cablehouse" cable@pdqnet.net Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 13:20:49 -0800
David Lanz When I listen to your music I feel like life I am free from the world I live in. When I a misarable day at school I sit and listen to your music sets me free Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 11:41:56 +0000 From: "John W. Clinton, Jr." john4lus@hal-pc.org I am a devoted fan that has seen you the past three times you have come to Houston. The last time you were in Houston My Family and I had the pleasure of meeting you back stage after the concert. Your music has changed my 13 year old son. He listens to your music and not to Rock. A lot of his friends think he weird, but I tell him To be himself and not listen to them. I would like to thank you for your music and would like to know how I can get current information about when and where you will be performing. Thanks/
John W. Clinton, Jr, From: cvihd_0@andromeda.ulsa.mx Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 09:47:14 -0600 I want to tell David Lanz how wonderfull is his music, I really enjoyed it, and I hope one day he could come to Mexico and give some great concert, the way he used to. Thanks for your music and goodluck. Daniel Izquierdo. Date: Wed, 26 Mar 97 12:44:06 -0800 From: Armon Barrows armhulk@selway.umt.edu You know, the worst thing about living in Montana, is that David never comes here for concerts and what not! Anyhow, I just want to express how much David's music has meant to me and how much fun it is not only to listen to it, but to play it! ...Well, if there are any more David Lanz fans in Montana, drop me a line sometime, (or anyone who just wants to discuss his music!) Thank you. Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 22:56:04 -0800 From: Fred Louis Bandley flbandley@sisna.com
Dear Mr. Lanz, From: MNi1234@aol.com Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 02:44:01 -0500 (EST) Hi! I am also a fan of David Lanz. I like your display of his CDs. I love his album--Beloved. I was touched by his music too. You did a good job! Monica Ni From: cvihd_0@andromeda.ulsa.mx Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 17:08:38 -0600 HI Im writing from Mexico,and let me tell you tha I really love your music,It will be an honor if you could come to my country and give a wonderfull concert. I enjoy very much listening to your music and I think Its great. Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 19:39:24 +0000 From: "ann k. brown" akbsr@ctol.net
I just love David's music and attended his concert in Providence RI in
November 1995 in conjunction with the Beloved album. I was so hoping he
would visit the northeast on last fall's tour. I can't tell you how
much I enjoyed that concert. I have never attended anything quite like
it. I felt like I was in a roomful of people I had known forever. That
along with the beautiful music is an experience I want to relive again
and again. PLEASE David, include New England (Boston, Hartford, or
Providence etc.) in your next tour. I and many others will be there. Date: Wed, 01 Jan 1997 20:41:01 -0500 From: "D. Nowacki" dnowacki@cyberTours.com Well I just wanted to ask if David Lanz knew that he had such a following at the college level. My name is Andy Nowacki and I am a senior at the University of New Hampshire, in Durham NH. I can't say the number of times that I've listened to Lanz while I've been studying for a test or just hanging out on a Friday night with a few friends. The music has a soothing touch to it, and it isn't distracting or tiring after a while like a lot of music is. Plus, I play piano and consequently any of your books I can get my hands on. I received Sacred Road for X-Mas and I especially love your rendition of Knights in White Satin. It helps my fine tuning of a piece if I can listen to it on your recording, and see how my playing of it differs. Please keep up the good work and remember you're being listened to in dormrooms across the country (at least UNH) and being played at coffeehouses (especially by me!)
Andy Nowacki Date: Thu, 26 Dec 1996 16:11:57 +0800 From: guest guest@eiger.com.ph Dear David, We LOVE your music very much and find it quite moving -- a great dining and driving music, too. Artists like Kenny G, Jim Chappell, and Yanni have performed here some years past and their concerts were a huge success. We're looking forward to your own live performance here in the Philippines.
Lovers -- and collectors -- of Lanz music, From: Se3091@aol.com Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 02:45:16 -0500
I recently Purchased Lanz's CD "Beloved" and enjoy it very much. I
particularly enjoy the tracks from his album "Return to the Heart" and
"Nightfall" due to their piano solos (No other background music) and their
somewhat classical influence. I was wondering if you could point me to some
other CD's by either Lang or other artists whose music falls into this
category. Another excellent one is December by George Winston. There is also a series called Piano Solos by Narada (I have the first one, which is also excellent). From: "Jackie W. Keyes" yjkeyes@yctc.net Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 22:06:06 +1200 This is to let you know how much we enjoy David's music. My 16-year-old daughter, Bethany, played "What Child Is This" before a full church at St. David's Church in Kennebunk, Maine on Christmas Eve two Christmas Eves ago. Whenever she plays his music, the comments are all wonderful. Thank you for your beautiful music, David Lanz.
Jacki Date: Sun, 17 Nov 1996 20:29:51 -0600 From: "Fadel F. Iskander" fisk@galstar.com Mr. Lanz,
Since you didn't make it to Tulsa this year, we flew to St. Louis to
see you. What a delight! Perhaps you remember me - the girl with the
gold cartouche who asked to shake your hand. If I'd had my wits about
me, I would have aaked you where you got your cartouche and would then
maybe know what it means to you. My husband is Egyption and gave me
mine as a gift. Also, I would have told you how thankful we are that
you have followed your bliss, sharing your beautiful gift with the
world. Your music is so moving, emotionally/spiritually - I love to hear
it, I love to play it. You express the love and inspiration in your
life so beautifully - I can sense your wife's presence in some of your
music - quietly strong and constant like the current of a life-giving
river. Is that her? You share so much of yourself through your gifts
of music and compassion.
The Girl With the Gold Cartouche Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 07:24:06 -0700 From: Karla Newsome karlaroo@cris.com David! My husband and I really enjoyed your concert last night at the Paramount Theatre in Denver. It was wonderful to hear your music in person as well as get a bit of insight on the background of some of your work. I'm sitting here this morning, listening to Return to the Heart which we picked up at the concert and am continuing my "heavy mellow' mood into today. (big smile) We're looking forward to future recordings and concert tours!
Hugs & Smiles! Karla & Art Newsome (karlaroo@cris.com) Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 22:14:31 -0600 From: Joe Hufford socrfan@ibm.net Narada has published one book with some Narada artists in the beginner/intermediate difficulty level. My 13 year old daughter loves the David Lanz songs in this book and plays them all the time. She would like more!! I would like to see more of the David Lanz songs arranged for the beginner/intermediate level. She'll soon be playing out of the intermediate/advanced books, but until then...we'd love to see some easier arrangements. Date: Sun, 27 Oct 1996 16:14:34 -0600 From: Burke Plyer burke@mail.kdcol.com
...I love to listen to David's music, for it brings peace and harmony to
my life. Date: Wed, 23 Oct 96 04:35:26 UT From: "Vicki Carr" VLCARR@msn.com Well, I didn't receive a response to my 'just curious' question of October 13th about the September cancellation at the Liszner auditorium .... but now I am much more than JUST CURIOUS. Actually, I've calmed down quite a bit since THURSDAY OCTOBER 17TH when my friends and I hurried through our FINE DINNER so we wouldn't be late for the FINE MUSIC we thought we would share with David at the Liszner Auditorium. I use the word share because it really does go more than one way. I play David's music (try to), I feel it and hear it my own way and express it as such. HOWEVER I WAS REALLY LOOKING FORWARD to HEARING HIM! WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT to walk up to the auditorium and be told that the concert was cancelled! By the way, it was also a celebration of mine and my best friends birthday - but - so what. At least, thats the way we feel now about it. The emotion needle swung from angry to sad to angry to sad for the rest of the evening and at least through the next day when all friends and associates eagerly asked the question: "How was it?". How do you think we answered? If David became ill or something and had to cancel it was certainly not expressed that way to us. What we heard at the Box Office was "I guess he was disappointed in the ticket sales". Hmmmmmmm....so who else do we think might be disappointed?? Please tell me you were misrepresented. Please tell me this was not just a "business decision". I am not an obsessed crazed fan. I also do not attend many concerts. I have just found someone's music that I love - enough to REALLY WANT to hear him perform in person. Looking forward to "hearing" from someone... ...signed a very disappointed listner and couple of future fans... Dear Vicki: Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 19:32:12 -0500 From: "Jeffrey S. Haufler" freebird1@sat.net
Mr. Lanz, Date: Mon, 14 Oct 1996 00:37:34 +0800 From: Joonhee Yim whispers@chollian.dacom.co.kr I'm a new age music pan in Korea. Even though there are lots of, lots of new age pan, NO new age concert in Korea. David Lanz and Micheal Jones are the only narada musicians who have visited Kor- ea. Lanz received even a gift, Masque of Togaebi. I want more Narada musicians have concert in Korea, and more Narada albums, too. Date: Sun, 13 Oct 96 13:25:17 UT From: "Vicki Carr" VLCARR@msn.com I am looking forward to your concert in Washington D.C. on October 17. I discovered your Music 2 years ago. It is a constant part of my repetoire at a local restaurant where I play every two weeks. (I am a consummate hobbiest - I work full time elsewhere - but do this 'thing' once every two weeks to keep a performance dream alive!). Anyway, the point is, I cannot tell you how many people ask what 'that' was when I play your pieces. Everyone that hears the music loves it. In fact, coming to the concert with me next week are the Restaurant's Manager and several other employees. I have also mentioned your upcoming performance to several of the regular patrons - I would not be surprised if I see them there! ...Thanks so much for your genius. Date: Sun, 06 Oct 1996 16:30:47 -0700 From: Cathy Maynard mufasa@iinet.com Music has been a large part of my life that I would not want to live without. Our musical collection consists of over 5000 LP's and CD's and without a doubt my favorite artist is you, David Lanz. I have had the pleasure of experiencing your music in concert several times now. The last time was in Long Beach CA, where I brought my sister for the first time to witness the artistry. I was down in the front with tears streaming from my eyes from the shear emotions and joy that your music brings to me. I have seen other artists perform also....but none that are part of the music like you are. I can't believe that you have a bigger fan than me. I am looking forward to your next performance in Escondido, CA and will be there once again to experience the magic. I am wondering if there is any way possible to attend a practice or recording session. I fantasize about having a private concert. I will be celebrating my 25th wedding anniversary soon and am setting my goals for the best. In greatest admiration and respect, Cathy Maynard Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 21:43:38 -0500 From: Ron Lewerke scare@sky.net
Sincerely Yours, Date: Tue, 01 Oct 1996 22:32:13 -0500 From: "Fadel F. Iskander" fisk@galaxy.galstar.com Please do not forget to come to Tulsa like you did in December '95. We will be waiting. We DO love your music. Jacqueline & Fadel Iskander Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 21:41:49 -0600 From: "Gary Swenson" swensons@inconnect.com ...Keep up the good work. I saw you the last time you were in Salt Lake at Abravanel Hall. Your music brought tears to my eyes. I especially loved when you played Dark Horse. It took me about 6 months to perfect playing this song! I would run the CD and play along with it over and over until I finally got it right! I am so glad you chose to play it that night. I will never forget it. I won't be able to make it this years concert. I unfortunately need to keep a tight watch over my budget. I will certainly try the next time though! ...Anyway, I love your music. Thanks for your continuing inspiration...
Melissa Swenson Date: Tue, 03 Sep 1996 20:02:57 -0700 From: Claudio Sandroni sandroni@mbox.vol.it Dear David, my name is Aldo Sandroni and I live in Rome, Italy. It is a pleasure for me to have a chance to write some simple words to you. I am simply astonished by your excellent music and so my friends. In particular I would like to thank you for one of the most beautiful song you wrote, "Return to the heart". I recorded one cassette for the girl I am in love with including many "dream tracks" and the first song was, in fact, RTH. I also recorded the reprise for the last title. The effect was incredible. She told me that she is listening that song over and over and is simply in love with it. Now I am planning to order a custom music box from a company found on the Net able to play that song and I am sure it will be for her the best gift ever received. Thank you again for your excellent music and I hope to are planning a tour in Italy very soon. Sincerely, Aldo Sandroni Rome, Italy Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 09:40:52 -0600 From: e-mail:dizqui95@hpuxulsa.ulsa.mx (Daniel Izquierdo H.) I'm writting from Mexico, and I would like to ask, when David is going to come , I really love his music, I think is great, and my girlfriend and I are proud o f his work, Lanz music takes you deffinitely to another world, when I am worry a bout something I hear his music or play some of his compositions in piano and I realize how beautiful is life, thanks to David Lanz for his work, and we hope to see you in concert soon. From: TAMozart@aol.com Date: Mon, 12 Aug 1996 01:46:52 -0400
David Lanz..... you are an insperation to me. I am a music teacher and I
compose here and there. Your music is so wonderful and it inspires me to
write beautiful piano compositions. PLEASE come to Connecticut, New York, or
Mass on your fall tour. I didn't see any north east states on the list. It
would be a shame for us to miss you!!! From: Peter Solis peter6637@earthlink.net Date: Sun, 04 Aug 1996 22:27:29 -0700 Hello Mr. Lanz, First of all, I would like to say that I thoroughly enjoy your music and look forward to seeing you in concert again. My girlfriend and I attended your performance at UCLA (Royce Hall, I believe it was called at the time) about three years ago, and then we invited six of our friends to see your performance at the Galaxy Theater in Santa Ana. In fact, we were able to meet you after the show. And a great show it was. A while back, my co-worker and I were talking about your music and he told me what a great fan he was of your music. He also plays the piano and enjoys playing your compositions. At his wedding, he wanted so dearly to play your composition of "Knights in White Satin" for his wife... Look forward to your latest release!
From: "Ballgae, Sharon" ballgae@diamond.brooks.af.mil Date: Fri, 12 Jul 96 08:43:53 cst Dear Mr Lanz: Since hearing your take on the legendary canon written by Johann Pachelbel, I have not been able to get the song out of my mind... If I haven't said it yet, you are a wonderful composer and pianist. I was not aware of 'New Age' piano music until my friend from work turned me on to your 'Return from the Heart' CD. She was aware of my classical background in piano, but thought I might be willing to try a new sound. Slowly, but surely, your songs opened my eyes to areas of the piano I had not explored. Thank you. Again, I appreciate any support you can give me in my request for written scores of your music. You are loved and admired by many. A new and loyal fan, Sharon Ballgae From: Jeremy josterg@ns1.cosmosbbs.com Date: Mon, 08 Jul 96 03:49:21 0500
Dear David, I have had the pleasure of hearing and playing your music
for the past five years. My mother first introduced me to it with
"Christofori's Dream". I immediately was hooked.
From: keepeng@pc.jaring.my Date: Thu, 04 Jul 96 23:36:16 -700 I'm from Malaysia and I have been listen to your music for the past ten years now. It has inspired me especially in my insightful moments. Joachim Lee From: liebfoss@iserve.net.mx (Alberto Fdo. Liebig Frausto) Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 16:43:04 -0600
Dear David, I like most your solo recordings, because I think that4s the best way you transmit your messages. I find your music very relaxing; I love it because I can hear it anytime, even while doing my homework... When are you playing in Mexico? You have many fans here who would like to hear your music. It would be great to assist to one of your concerts. I wish you succes with your future recordings and performances. Your fan, From: Aleah Lucas alucas@gaea.tvi.cc.nm.us Date: Tue, 4 Jun 96 13:38:47 -0700 David Lanz is absolutely the greatest!!!!! I love his music, but only wish there were more of it. He plays with such ease, and gracefulness. From: Sandy Potter Melodymaker@worldnet.att.net Date: Tue, 28 May 96 13:37:27 -0700 ..I am 16 and have studied piano for most of my life, and have never found an inspiration quite like David Lanz. I discovered his music when I was 14 and I'm always sure to play his music at my gigs and I love telling people about his music. I've had the pleasure of meeting and talking with David on a few occasions and he has helped to keep my musical dreams fresh and alive....The new album is gorgeous I hope you all will run out an buy it.....but I think it's time for a new songbook too =) ...For a couple years now I have written to David Lanz expressing my feelings that a new songbook with Nights in White Satin, and A Whiter Shade Of Pale would be greatly appreciated. I have been a professional musician since I was 12...and probably promote his music more than Narada does..=)...I've had the pleasure of meeting and talking with David two times now at his concerts and the inspiration he has offered me has been much appreciated. My other songbooks are just about worn out.....I can't wait for the new one...
Jennifer From: "Karen C. Hartley" karen.hartley@vlsisj.com Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 17:36:13 -0800 Just purchased David's new CD, "Sacred Road", yesterday. Played it all through last night! It's WONDERFUL!!!! I am thoroughly moved by ALL the tracks. I especially like "Be Still". It is apparent that David's spirituality governs much of the music he writes. This is wonderful. He has the gift of "moving" people with his music.... Keep it up, David! I'm certainly hoping one of your concert cities this Fall will be in the San Francisco Bay Area!!! Thanks for all the great, uplifting, music!! From: "EILEEN ROA, HORGAN LIBRARY, TECH. SERVICES, X8387" ROA@yogi.nmmi.cc.nm.us Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 10:20:02 -0600 (MDT) Hi, I've been a Lanz fan since the first time I heard his music--many moons ago. Christofori's Dream was my first. I also have all of his albums. I can never quite decide which is my favorite. I think it depends on my mood that day. I've been to two of his concerts--One in Albuquerque a couple of months ago, and one in Las Cruces, NM 4 years ago. Both times I just found out at the last minute that he was having a concert in New Mexico. I live in Roswell, NM which is 200 miles from any city of size. So it's a fairly long drive to see him, but I'll make the trip any time as long as I know about it... From: "Sinisa M. Djordjevic" sdjordj@flash.net Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 02:49:11 -0600 ...I ordered Sacred Road from Narada directly but yesterday the album showed up in most of the stores in Albuquerque and I picked up a copy. The album is fantastic. I must say that I enjoy each and every track. Saw your concert in Albuquerque a while back that managed to make my wife your fan. Please keep up the original, soul moving, relaxing, euphoric work. Please schedule another concert in Albuquerque. The work of Tingstad during your concert was also very enjoyable... Sinisa Djordjevic From: Carolina Elortegui celort@kuma.ciens.ucv.ve Date: Tue, 23 Apr 1996 14:51:15 -0430 Hi, I'm a Lanz fan too...I love his music......it's magic, great... I think you know what I'm talking about!!!! From: Brad brad@surfsouth.com Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 22:17:37 -0400 Subject: Video
Do you allow a camcorder to be used during your concerts if it in no way
interferes with the performance? Camcorders are usually not allowed in any of David's concerts. Quite often it is the policy of the theater. If you decide to attend one of David's concerts in the future, contact Narada at 1-800-966-3699 and they will address the issue then. From: LaurieBlu2@aol.com Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 19:30:10 -0400 Subject: Wow, Wow
Hi David! I'm looking forward to the next cd too!
Thanks, David Lanz played keyboards and piano on "In Search of the Wow, Wow, Wibble, Woggle, Wozzie, Woodle, Woo." From: "James R. Ruegg" JIM_RUEGG@ids.net Date: Sun, 14 Apr 96 17:49:27 -700 Hi, my name is Teresa Ruegg. I was first "introduced" to David Lanz by a parent of one of my friends. He showed me some piano music and I sight-read "What Child is This" and fell in love. Unlike most of these comments I have read, I enjoy playing David's masterpieces even more than listening to them. Of course, I now also own every CD that features David Lanz, but I still enjoy playing his music on the piano the most. Thank you so much, David, for allowing your music to be published. Other of my favorite pianists, such as George Winston, do not publish their music. And to me, being able to play your creations is as great as hearing them. Again thank you. My favorite pieces to play are "Cristofori's Dream", "What Child is This", and "Veil of Tears." You're fabulous! I would love to see you in concert... From: Don Quenneville golfer@capecod.net Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 10:42:08 -0500 ...I HAD THE PLEASURE OF HEARING YOU PLAY ON CAPE COD, MA LAST APRIL (1995). CONSEQUENTLY, I AM NOW AN AVID FAN. I AM ANXIOUS TO KNOW WHEN YOU WILL RETURN TO THE CAPE. I BROUGHT TWO OF MY DAUGHTERS TO THE CONCERT AND THEY, TOO, DELIGHT IN YOUR MUSIC. THANKS FOR A TRULY WONDERFUL EVENING... IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE ON THE CAPE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU'LL BE ANYWHERE NEAR. I WOULD GLADLY MAKE THE TRIP. THANKS! MAGGIE From: klem@csrlink.net Subject: Availability of sheet music for Lanz compositions Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 15:29:11 -0500 Dear David, I would very much appreciate obtaining the sheet music to two of your compositions which I have been unable to locate despite great effort. They are:
1. Improvisation: Near the Still Waters of Amsterdam
(from Return to the Heart) I know you won't disappoint your most loyal fan!
Kindest regards. Leo F. Klementovich A new David Lanz songbook is planned for a fall release which will include: All selections from BELOVED, all selections from SACRED ROAD, Pachabel's Canon, Nights in White Satin and A Whiter Shade of Pale. Stay tuned to this web page for additional information in the fall. From: "Karen C. Hartley" karen.hartley@sanjose.vlsi.com Date: Thu, 28 Mar 96 20:53:26 0800 Subject: PRAISE FOR "SKYLINE FIREDANCE"!!! I was given this (double) CD for my birthday. It is ABSOLUTELY MAGNIFICENT!!!! I think I like it even better than "Return To The Heart", which I've commented on previously in this space. This album is moving, yet uplifting, subtle, yet stark. It is thoroughly enjoyable. Please pass on to David!! Thanks! email: karen.hartley@sanjose.vlsi.com David thanks you for your encouraging comments. Look for him during his fall tour later in the year. From: Bruce Gascho Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 19:46:08 -0500 I've attended two of David's concerts and was able to speak to him afterwards. His music is wonderful. I find piano music very soothing. From: Jorge Diaz Padilla jdiazp@colossus.rhon.itam.mx Date: Sun, 24 Mar 1996 09:55:01 -0800 Subject: Information To whom it may concern... When is David Lanz returning to Mexico??? I attended his last concert here, and it was Incredible. I will love (and a lot of guys down here) to go to another concert of him. Is he coming this year???? Thank you very much. From: POOCHU@gnn.com (Patricia Robke) Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 21:28:11 Subject: question about tours I would like to know if David Lanz is planning to come to Cincinnati, Ohio or any nearby city during his upcoming tour. I saw him two years ago at Bogart's in Cincinnati and it was the most intimate concert I have ever been to. At the risk of sounding like Kathy Bates, I am his number one fan. A David Lanz fall tour is currently being planned in 30 cities, however the dates, cities and times are not confirmed yet. Stay tuned to this web page for additional information in the near future. From: Nathan Nowack sang@holly.ColoState.EDU Date: Mon, 18 Mar 1996 01:30:24 -0800 ...I love David Lanz... He is the best piano player in New Age today!! I have two of his books, and all his CD's. I even had the chance to see him in concert but I wasn't able to go because of confilicts, oh well. =( ... From: e-mail:dizqui95@hpuxulsa.ulsa.mx X-Personal_Name: Daniel Izquierdo Herrera Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 13:30:06 -0600 Hi there i am writting you from Mexico, let me tell you tha I am a huge fan of David Lanz, I think he is a great composer and a great pianist too, I hope he can read this letter and receive my congratulations for his incredible work, and also tell him that his album of Skyline Firedance is an album of great work with the piano, and the album of Return to the heart is obviusly very good stuff, I hope that David could come to Mexico and give some concerts we will receive him with a lot of glad... From: Tom Tupper ttupper@comtch.iea.com Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 06:48:31 -0800 ...He is one of my most favorite musicians. We first heard of him a few years ago when we bought the videotape of Desert Vision. It just looked like a fun tape. We liked the music so much that we bought the CD. We ended up buying more tapes and CD's and have most of his creations... Tom http://comtch.iea.com/~ttupper From: DaveBDavis@aol.com Date: Wed, 6 Mar 1996 10:46:33 -0500 ...David Lanz has always been one of my favorite New Age artists, because his music comes from the soul. Peace, Dave Davis From: Tim Sabin, 4723 Holly Ave, Fairfax, VA 22030 Date: Mon, 06 Mar 1995 08:02:39 -0800 ...about Lanz' "unfortunate vocals" on Bridge of Dreams; until I saw this page, I was wondering if I was the only one with a similar opinion ("David, stick to your piano, that is what you do best!"). And as for your comment about David Arkenstone's voice on his albums (I only have one - Another Star in the Sky), yes, the comment is correct; his vocals are worse than Lanz'. Arkenstone's lyrics are stuck in the '60s, and his voice is surprisingly high for someone of his size. (if I hadn't heard them yet, I would think that Lanz' voice belonged to Arkenstone, and vice versa. But back to David Lanz and his vocals. His vocals drag down two tracks that are otherwise very well crafted. In my opinion, what keeps his vocals on these tracks from totally drowning out his excellent piano playing is his guest female singers - the "Rose-Kennedy" group. By the way, is the reason that we don't hear from Paul Speer's vocal chords on these albums that he realizes he doesn't have a commercial-quality voice? I have Lanz tracks on two Narada compilations - The Wilderness Collection and Narada Collection 2 - along with Return to the Heart, Bridge of Dreams, and (my latest acquisition) Natural States. I was disappointed at some of Lanz' improvisations on Return to the Heart (I think he could have done better; I was also looking for some more fresh work of his), and I felt let down in general after hearing Natural States. From: "Karen C. Hartley" karen.hartley@vlsisj.com Date: Tue, 05 Mar 96 01:26:26 0800 Subject: PRAISE FOR "RETURN TO THE HEART" ...through 1-800-Music Now, I was able to download samples from this album. I was immediately hooked!
This album is really WONDERFUL!! Very moving, yet also very
uplifting, and "happy"! I just love it! My personal favorites
are: I hope to acquire David's other albums soon... From: Amanda Claire Ulicny aculicny@eos.ncsu.edu Date: Fri, 02 Feb 96 09:03:56 -0500 ...I love that music ["Return to the Heart"] and I love to play the piano. To put the two together would be a dream come true.
-- From: akhtan@pacific.net.sg (Tan Kian Heng) Date: Tue, 23 Jan 96 12:47:50 -0800 ...Just to let you know that your music has opened up another dimension in our world. Keep up the good work and will continue to support your forth coming album. Warmest regard from Singapore! Alex Tan From: 73754.107@compuserve.com Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 16:12:31 -0500 I am 15 and have only been taking piano lessons for a year. When a I first heard one of your songs (Behind the Waterfall\Desert Rain Medly) I was amazed. I immediately fell in love with your style of playing and I tried playing some simplified versions of your songs. I finally finished those and I asked my teacher for the real versions. I immediately began playing them and I started with Cristofori's dream. When I finished that I played Heartsounds and Leives on the Seine. I finally bought your book The David Lanz Collection and began playing songs from that. My teacher wants me to move on and play some other music but I just can't stop playing your's. Right now I just started Firedance and I am having a little trouble playing it since I don't have the Skyline\Firedance album. I usually listen to your songs before I play them which helps me alot... From: hot-line@ix.netcom.com (Carol Bowen ) Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1996 14:34:45 -0800 ...Love David Lanz...music so sensitive to my soul... From: "Joseph A. Kelly, Jr." 76241.2275@compuserve.com Date: 22 Nov 95 20:57:38 EST ...David Lanz's disclavier recording ["From the Heart"] is without exageration, excellent!!! and therfore I highly recommend it... From: HANS.COCQUYT@ping.be Date: Thu, 16 Nov 95 19:31:11 -800 In Belgium, albums of the Narada collection are not easy to find and buy. Narada is a great company for new-age music. Congratulations!! David Lanz, Paul Speer, David Arkenstone, Michael Gettel, Ralf Illenberger, and many others make great music!!!!!!!!